Episode 126: The Election Episode
This week Jaquelle and Sean start a new series on difficult doctrines by tackling the doctrines of election and predestination.
This week Jaquelle and Sean start a new series on difficult doctrines by tackling the doctrines of election and predestination.
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk more about what different denominations believe — like Pentecostals, Anglicans, Wesleyans, Mennonites, and more.
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about the person of Jesus and his work. They also talk about Sean’s recent
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about the Holy Spirit — who he is and what his role is. They
This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about the Lord’s table (aka communion/Lord’s supper/Eucharist). They also talk about Jaquelle’s recent trip
This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about relationships and why God created them. They also talk about their trip to
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about the doctrine of justification and why young Christians should learn about and love
This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about hermeneutics — what it is and why it’s so important. Plus, you get
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about why teens need theology and how theology will practically equip them for
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about the life of John Calvin and why all Christian young people should
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, who Martin Luther was, and why
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about Heaven. They also talk about abandoned stuffed animals, their missing exercise ball,