
Episode 95: The Authority Episode

In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about biblical authority and submission. They also talk about Sean’s potato salad, Rosie

Episode 92: The Driving Episode

This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about getting your driver’s license and how the gospel changes even how we drive.

Episode 91: The College Episode

This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about college and how to choose a college and make the transition from high

Episode 90: The Vacation Episode

This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about vacation and the principle of rest. They also talk about Sean’s trip to

Episode 88: The Busyness Episode

In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about busyness and when it becomes bad. They also talk about the major

Episode 87: The VBS Episode

This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about VBS (Vacation Bible School) and some of the blessings and challenges of it.

Episode 86: The Camp Episode

This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about camp ministry and their experiences at summer camp. They also talk about Jaquelle’s